New battery law in Austria from 2022 on

Foreign-based distance sellers are obliged to appoint an authorised representative in Austria from 2022 on

The amendment to the Austrian battery law came into force on 8 July 2021. It includes an adjusted definition of the term “manufacturer” and covers manufacturers based in Austria foreign manufacturers that use the services of an authorised representative as well as distance sellers who supply batteries directly to Austrian end users.

The amendment contains new obligations for these foreign manufacturers:

  • Foreign distance sellers and onlineshops that put batteries on the Austrian market,  are now required to appoint an authorised representative in Austria.

The provisions of an Authorised Representative will get into force on 1st January 2022.

Go4Recycling is expanding its range of services and offer in cooperation with its Austrian partners, the Authorised Representative for batteries.

If your company is affected by these changes, you can contact us at any time. We can include this compliance services.

