New packaging prices in Poland from October 2023 on – prediciting a EU wide problem?

The national Polish recycling sector for packaging faces a massive lack of recycling capacities – which leads to another round of price changes

Last year Poland had substantial problems in collecting WEEE on a national level (which are still not solved) – and in 2023 the packaging sector likewise. Take back schemes already call it a “tragic situation” that results in a totally uncontrollable way of increasing prices.

The reason for that is a massive discrepancy between put on market packaging material and recycling capacities. Recycling companies (transport agencies, recycling facilities etc.) used to do annual tenders and so set the price for their services for a whole year. Due to the current shortage and their own cost situation (fuel, gas, electricity, wages, inflation..) they do quarterly tenders which in return means that take back schemes such as Rekopol have to adjust their recycling fees on a quarterly basis as well – because even the next quarter is non-predictable.

As Poland always had some “specialities” in their recycling sector over the past years the above mentioned factors are a EU problem. Rising costs, lack of transport and recycling options – might lead to price changes in other countries as well.

So the best way to reduce prices for packaging compliance is reducing packaging material in general.

If you want to know more about the packaging compliance and pricing situation in Poland or other EU countries feel free to contact the Go4Recycling Team anytime.

