The Single-Use Plastic Fund Act in Germany (Einwegkunststofffondsgesetz) – Registration via the New DIVID Portal available since April

The German Einwegkunststofffondsgesetz, introduced already in 2023, mandates that manufacturers and distributors bear the costs for the disposal of their single-use plastic products starting in 2024/2025.

Therefore liable companies have to pay into the Single-Use Plastic Fund, the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has set up the digital platform DIVID. All companies that place single-use plastic products on the market are required to register with the new DIVID portal.

Recycling fees will be calculated based on the quantity of single-use plastic products placed on the market. The aim is to financially involve manufacturers in covering the costs of environmental pollution caused by their products.

According to the official DIVID homepage, the following products -among others – are affected (see Annex 1 of the EWKFondsG Bundesgesetzblatt Teil I – Gesetz zur Umsetzung von Artikel 8 Absatz 1 bis 7 der Richtlinie (EU) 2019/904 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 5. Juni 2019 über die Verringerung der Auswirkungen bestimmter Kunststoffprodukte auf die Umwelt – Bundesgesetzblatt)

  1. Food boxes
  2. Flexible Material Bags and Film Wrappers:
  3. Drink boxes
  4. Drink Cups:
  5. Lightweight Plastic Carrier Bags:
  6. Wet Wipes:
  7. Balloons:
  8. Tobacco Products with Filters:
  9. Etc.


You can find all products listed in FAQ on DIVID – FAQ (

The DIVID homepage provides extensive information for all obligated manufacturers and distributors.

Additionally, the Federal Environment Agency offers a free online self-check and paid official classification application on the DIVID site.

For any questions regarding the new “Einwegkunststofffondsgesetz” in Germany, you can contact the Go4Recycling team at any time.

